Today we picked up our new Travel Trailer. We met the seller in the strip mall parking lot where the county clerk’s office was located. It was a simple title transfer and since the seller brought the camper with him, we were able to swap hitches and head on home with our new toy.
Once we got it home we immediately leveled it and opened it up – slide and windows since it was a beautiful, crisp October day. Jason got the radio working and I got busy with stocking it with the few camper supplies we already had. While I did that, I first brought Lois Lane into the camper with me. I think she remembers camping with us before because she settled right in after taking a good smell of the new place. Next I brought in L.B. I don’t think he really knew what to think – he sniffed around the same path that Lois did and then took his spot on the couch for a nap. Next I brought in Buddy (aka Giant Dawg). He did the same sniff and explore and then settled in to nap in front of the couch.
We made a Wal-Mart trip to get a few things – tire chalks, blankets, roasting sticks, table top grill, dishes, etc. I spent another couple of hours gathering extra household items that we didn’t need in the house and transferred them to the camper.
I was hoping to book a weekend trip next weekend for a trial run with the new setup and the dogs, however the timing isn’t working in our favor. Since it is Halloween season and perfect camping weather it seems all campsites are pretty much booked solid. I’m still hunting around, but due to our busy weekend schedule in the next several weeks we may not make it out until mid-November at this point. I am determined to get out at LEAST once this year!
Here are a few phone photos I got from today’s adventures.

The initial pick-up