Jan 13, 2014 | What's Happening
This is Tilty and Cat Woman, my two remaining gerbils. They are sisters and are roughly two years old. Tilty got her name due to a head tilt she has that was initially caused by a fall and then later pronounced by a small stroke she had. Cat Woman, well, her color...
Jan 4, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
Today Jason woke me up to come look at Buddy. He was acting strange and deciding to lay down in mid-stride, while he ate and just in odd places. After a text to our awesome veterinarian we were instructed to make sure he didn’t have a fever. We did that and...
Aug 2, 2013 | What's Happening
This is “Cat Woman” one of my four female gerbils and the only black lady of the bunch. Her brother “Bat Man” lives with my friend Christina. Cat Woman lives with Tilty.