Feb 20, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
One year ago today L.B. joined our family. He was then known as “Spartacus” which did not suit him at all ( nor did he know that was his name ). They were guessing he was about three years old, so today would make it his 4th birthday since we tend to...
Feb 13, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
You think “oh how cute!”. In reality, this was him in pre-growl mode because Buddy was coming up on the other side of the armchair and L.B. was getting ready to bite the tar out of Buddy’s snout. That’s how he rolls. Looks can be...
Oct 31, 2013 | Dogs, What's Happening
L.B. the Chiweenie has a specific blanket that he absolutely loves. It’s actually not a blanket, but a Queen size comforter. A Queen size comforter for an 11 pound dog. Rotten! I picked it up to wash it the other day and he about had a fit. As soon as I...
Aug 28, 2013 | Dogs, What's Happening
Little Bit is just so cute – he has taken over our house and our hearts in such a short time. We are so glad we gave him a chance. We knew we would save him from impending death at the shelter, even if it meant fostering him until a suitable home was found, but...
Aug 27, 2013 | Dogs, What's Happening
This was one of those last minute “crap I forgot my daily photo until right before I head to bed” photos. Luckily Giant Dawg is always a willing subject. And this shows me that I need to clean the mirrored doors to the pantry ( and the rug but...