Feb 14, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
Happy Valentine’s Day from the furry crew!
Jan 29, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
Today the high was about 17 degrees with wind chills around zero. We keep our house at about 64 degrees. Which makes the basement about 58 degrees where our office is. My hands kept getting too cold to type so Jason and I decided to work from the laptops upstairs...
Jan 4, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
Today Jason woke me up to come look at Buddy. He was acting strange and deciding to lay down in mid-stride, while he ate and just in odd places. After a text to our awesome veterinarian we were instructed to make sure he didn’t have a fever. We did that and...
Jul 30, 2013 | Dogs, Fitness, What's Happening
Buddy and I went on a 2 mile hike at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve. It was a nice, overcast day, though humid. I was hoping to get four miles in, but Buddy, being furry and large and not used to walking more than his yard, puttered out on me at about two miles....
Jul 23, 2013 | Dogs, What's Happening
Today I’ve been going through some old blog posts and was able to re-enjoy my former attempts at my photography projects. I’ve also been wanting to get back into my hobby photography since I haven’t touched my poor camera in many, many months. So,...