Aug 27, 2013 | Dogs, What's Happening
This was one of those last minute “crap I forgot my daily photo until right before I head to bed” photos. Luckily Giant Dawg is always a willing subject. And this shows me that I need to clean the mirrored doors to the pantry ( and the rug but...
Jul 30, 2013 | Dogs, Fitness, What's Happening
Buddy and I went on a 2 mile hike at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve. It was a nice, overcast day, though humid. I was hoping to get four miles in, but Buddy, being furry and large and not used to walking more than his yard, puttered out on me at about two miles....
Jul 23, 2013 | Dogs, What's Happening
Today I’ve been going through some old blog posts and was able to re-enjoy my former attempts at my photography projects. I’ve also been wanting to get back into my hobby photography since I haven’t touched my poor camera in many, many months. So,...