Mar 7, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
Giant Dawg makes his rounds several times a day around the perimeter of the yard to ensure all is in good order. He’s an inside dog, but loves his yard and makes sure all is protected. He’ll chase anything out that doesn’t belong ( birds, squirrels,...
Feb 18, 2014 | Dogs, Gadgets, What's Happening
As promised, my new Samsung NX300 arrived today. I haven’t messed with it too much, but so far so good. The fur kids opted to model for me ( not so willingly, but they did ). It’s very fast, so fast that I can even get a photo of Lois Lane with the...
Feb 14, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
Happy Valentine’s Day from the furry crew!
Jan 29, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
Today the high was about 17 degrees with wind chills around zero. We keep our house at about 64 degrees. Which makes the basement about 58 degrees where our office is. My hands kept getting too cold to type so Jason and I decided to work from the laptops upstairs...
Jan 4, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
Today Jason woke me up to come look at Buddy. He was acting strange and deciding to lay down in mid-stride, while he ate and just in odd places. After a text to our awesome veterinarian we were instructed to make sure he didn’t have a fever. We did that and...