Mar 10, 2014 | What's Happening
I received my new 50 – 200mm lens for my Samsung NX300 today and, though it wasn’t required for a sunset shot, I happened to be out back testing it out as the sun was setting. I couldn’t pass up this beautiful, brilliant sky with the silhouette of...
Mar 3, 2014 | What's Happening, Wildlife
This is one of the three deer ( I call them the Three Stooges ) that come through the yard almost every day – morning and evening. Tonight I noticed them all up close to the house digging through the partially melted snow. The sun was getting ready to go...
Jan 1, 2014 | What's Happening
Happy New Year! Today begins a new year, and also a new photo project! Jason said he would join in with me if I did a phone photo based project instead of a real camera, so we started Project 365 posted via Instagram – one photo a day for a year! To make it...