11659301_10153022911313099_8729565026640645827_nWe currently own two sit-on-top Future Beach kayaks and two Sea Eagle SE330 inflatable kayaks for ease of transportation. They are both wonderful kayaks and each serves a different purpose.

The Future Beach kayaks are our primary boats for local waters. They are just a bit over 8 feet long so they fit in the back of our Sport Trak and they are light weight so they can be handled solo. They are pretty stable and sit low to the water, for that perfect float.

The Sea Eagles are used when friends without boats join us or if we are traveling. They are very roomy, very stable, and can hold up to 500 pounds of weight, which means tons of room inside for us and all of our gear (dry bags, cooler, etc). They take about 10 minutes to inflate and about 5 minutes or less to deflate and roll up.  Just throw them in the backseat or the trunk and go anywhere!

Below are links to photos from various places we go kayaking and images shot from the kayak.

