After lunch we went and saw the movie The Wolverine. It certainly wasn’t the best of the Wolverine / X-Men movies I’ve seen, but it was good. After that we went for a two mile walk at a local park before heading home.
Later the boys were busy gaming so Christina and I made a last minute trip back out to the theater to watch The Conjuring. Wow, talk about a scary movie! I’ve never tensed, jumped and screamed out so much during a movie in my entire life! Well worth the thrill and the second trip back into town! I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep very well after that movie, but it was after 1:00am by the time we got home and I ended up pretty much zonking right out.
A few more days left to this vacation – we’ll see what else we can get into! 🙂
( Note: Thank goodness for cell phone cameras or I’d have already flunked out on this Project 365. Though I way prefer the quality of my Nikon, the phone has saved me twice already! )