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Red Finch – 13/52
Exciting Updates!
Two weeks from today I will no longer be an employee of KFB - the company I have worked at for the last 10+ years.Webfoo, Inc, our own web enterprise business, is taking off and doing so well that's it's becoming difficult to keep up. So after many months of...
Poe – 12/52
It's been a while since I've featured Poe, my betta fish (aka Siamese fighting fish). He's a couple of years old now and still swimming laps around is bowl. He started out more of a blue and red color, but as he gets older he's become almost a solid red.I have some...
Sleepy Lois – 11/52
Right before I went to bed Sunday night I realized I hadn't gotten my animal photo for the week. Since Lois Lane was the only one still up with me, she got to be the lucky subject. She's funny and often lays with her arm propped up on the arm rest.
The Pups – 10/52
It's been a while since I've uploaded photos of the pups, so for this weeks animal photo I decided to capture them all!Hardy :Blue:Lois Lane:Buddy:
Buckeye Butterfly – 9/52
I went walking through our woods today in search of some type of critter for my 52 Weeks of Animals project. I had about given up when I saw this Buckeye Butterfly flittering around near the pond.
I Heart Faces: Smirk
Jason & Larry being goofy on a day at the horse track. They had been mocking me when I asked them to "look normal" and this was the best I could get from either of them. Go figure. But, it works great as an entry for I Heart Faces: Smirks! Go here for other...
Praying Mantis – 8/52
This girl was hanging out on the fence and posed quite nicely for me!
Giant Dawg Vs Cattle Dog Vs Lil’ Black Dog
Buddy, Blue and Lois Lane enjoying a Saturday morning romp in the living room.