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I Heart Faces Pets – Let Go of My Badger!
Lois Lane got a stuffless badger for Christmas and instantly went into a game of tug-of-war!  She loves her stuffies. 🙂
Luna Moth
Another cool find this spring - a Luna Moth! Â It appears to be a male and was hiding out in my umbrella that was drying out on the front porch. Â Since they don't fly during the day I set him up in one of the hanging flower baskets until dusk, when he then moved to the...
Spring is in the Air!
Ahh spring is in the air! Â In the last week I've actually been enticed enough to pick up the camera and snap some shots (see below). We had our first good thunderstorm of the year today and the grass is more green than brown again. Jason has been prepping the mower...
Tis a ‘Possum, I Tell You!
Yesterday we were sitting on the back porch having some beverages with friends and enjoying the warm weather when we saw an opossum walking down to the pond to have a drink. I have never seen an opossum during broad daylight (aside from those squished in the road) so...
New Duck Hut, P90X and Photo Project Fails
Back in December I had posted how our 5 Muscovy Ducks were one by one flying the coop and not returning very often. Â As of Christmas, we haven't seen any of the original five ducks back at the pond, though we have seen some suspiciously familiar looking ducks flying...
Birding in January – 23/52
Juvenile White Crowned Sparrow Northern Cardinal Adult White Crowned Sparrow
My Fur Kids – 22/52
Our friend Jenn of The Artist's Eyes is a fantastic artist. We asked her to paint portraits of all of our pups, past and present, and she did a fantastic job!  She perfectly captured each dog's personality! She had painted Rudy's portrait for us last year and...
Goodbye My Hardy Dog
Hardy December 25, 1995 - January 3, 2011 On Monday we had to say goodbye to our Old Man. Â On Christmas Day 2010 he celebrated (as far as we know) his 17th birthday. Â Hardy is the first dog Jason and I had together and has been with us since the first...
Pyr Pups
A few days ago I received an email asking if we could foster a few Great Pyrenees pups for a few days as they made the way from Nashville, Tn to Indianapolis, In. Â After giving it some thought we decided that since we were home for the holiday weekend and love dogs...