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White Owl Diamond Painting
After completing my first diamond painting project I just had to do another! So I ordered the White Owls kit to go in my owl themed living room upon completion. I loved this one even more than the first ones! It's a gorgeous completed piece and framed...
Peacock Earring Holder
If you are anything like me you have a stupid amount of earrings crammed into tiny jewelry box drawers where they get all tangled together and half of them are never worn because you forgot you even have them. Nevermind trying to find a matching pair as...
Silly Sloths Quilt
My latest completed quilt was the Silly Sloth's quilt for my friend's baby shower. She's doing a cute sloth theme for her baby girl that is due next month. This was such a fun quilt to make. I love the colors and fabric patterns. I did simple quilting...
Diamond Painting – Four Seasons Trees
I recently came across the fun craft of Diamond Painting, also known as 3D Cross Stitch. First off I will tell you, these things are addicting! And fun! And relaxing! And soooooo pretty when completed. When I got my first one I looked at it and...
Spaghetti [Squash] and Italian Meatballs
Spaghetti is a huge no-no in the low carb lifestyle, but that doesn't mean substitutes aren't available! And talk about easy! Enter the spaghetti squash and the crockpot! INGREDIENTS 1 Medium/Large Spaghetti Squash 1 Jar Spaghetti Sauce (I like to use...
Revamped Decorative Trees
It's been a while since I've posted a craft project. I've been busy with a variety of different projects, I've just slacked on the posting. I vow to get better about that, starting with these two repurposed, sad little decorative trees I found at Goodwill...
New Deck – Before and After
One of the things we've been wanting since moving into the new house is a nice deck overlooking the backyard. We spend a lot of time outside during nice weather so we wanted a place that was spacious for us and any guests, overlooked the wooded backyard...
DIY Front Door Window Privacy
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we have recommended. We moved into our current house almost one year ago. During that year we have done a lot of...
10 Free Autumn Adult Coloring Pages
Autumn is upon us as we bring August to an end. Swimming pools, lake time, running through the sprinklers, and shorts and tank tops are soon being traded for pumpkin spice everything, Halloween, Thanksgiving, falling leaves, bonfires, and hoodies. To help...