Every day at 5:30 Buddy knows it’s time for dinner. If you dare stand up, this is what happens until you feed the Giant Dawg and his three side-kicks.
In other news:
I found out a couple of weeks ago that I have gall stones. In fact, one third of my gall bladder is full of stones. So I had a consultation with a general surgeon this morning and the gall bladder is coming out. On March 11 I can say good riddance to that worthless organ and resume my beer and wing eating habit. Until then I have to watch the fat intake else I end up writhing around in misery, so it’s a good thing to have yanked out. Odd to think that up until 6 months ago I’d never been in the hospital for anything and now I’m going in for my second organ removal. I hope this isn’t some new trend because I’m not digging it.
And – it’s Friday! Going to hang with friends tonight, seeing Shutter Island tomorrow afternoon and hanging with friends again tomorrow night. Gonna be a great, relaxing weekend!