First up – this week’s animal photo – one of the many frogs that live in the pond:

Ribbit - 6/52

We had an extremely busy holiday weekend.  Jami & Larry were down from Indy from Friday to Sunday.  We had a huge Labor Day bash to break in the new homestead on Saturday, which yielded a turnout of about 40 people.  Lots of food was consumed, jello shots were popular and the fishing was good.  It was a great time and I can’t wait to do it again!  Unfortunately I was too busy to even think about taking photos and didn’t get a single one.

With the holiday weekend I took off my half day Friday to get the house cleaned up.  I have today off for the holiday and I have tomorrow off for working the fair last week – not a bad deal!  So today we’re running some errands, cleaning up around the house, and hopefully relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather this week has brought!

And for duck updates – we lost three of the original four to what we thought was a snapper in the pond.  So we got three more to put the number back up at four and got bigger ones.  This time the larger one went missing.  After thinking about it we have come to the conclusion that the coyotes are getting them.  So we put up an electric fence around the tree they roost under and haven’t had any come up missing since.  They are getting big and right now I’m calling them my Tweens.  😉  As you can see, their color is starting to come in.
